Component configuration
The Component Configuration section of the Policy Server portal helps you configure several components offered by Seclore. With these configurations, you'll be able to control how each component is set for your end users. To go to the Component Configuration section, click Configuration > Component Configuration.
Here's how you add and delete components and parameters.
Let's get started.
Choose the component you want configure.
- Seclore for Windows: Seclore for Windows is a desktop app that is used to protect files and emails and open protected files and emails.
- Seclore for Mac: Seclore for Mac is an app that is used to protect files and emails and open protected files and emails in Mac devices.
- Mandatory Email Protector: It
is a feature that prompts users to mandatorily classify emails and applies automatic protection.
- Classification Migration: It
is a component that is used to migrate files and emails classified with other classification tools to Seclore Digital Asset Classification (DAC).