Creating content policies (optional)

In this section, we'll see how Global Security Admins can create content discovery policies that look for selected keywords or patterns in emails and accordingly suggest classification labels. You need to create at least one label before creating a content policy. you  can

Creating a content policy is optional.

The supported file formats for content scanning are doc, docm, docx, ppt, pptm, pptx, xls, xlsm, xlsx, pdf, csv, and txt.

You can create content policies with multiple combinations of custom keywords and regular expressions. In a policy, you can create multiple conditions separated by and/or operators and suggest classification labels to end users when the policy is violated.

The keywords and expressions entered in a condition are separated by a comma and a space. Further, expressions need to be enclosed with slashes / at both ends. For example: date of birth, d.o.b, /\b\d\{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\b/ 
















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Policy Name

Use a name that helps Admins understand what type of content this policy is made for .





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Content Conditions 



Expressions need to be enclosed with slashes / at both ends.








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